Episode 11: The role of sheep in science fiction

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  • David and Carey remember Aussiecon (08:06)
    • Organising the Hugos (00:14)
    • The Entire Awards Committee (00:31)
    • Who created the rocketships? (00:42)
    • Getting the bases made (00:19)
    • Paranoid about security (00:53)
    • Panel with Ursula Le Guin (00:15)
    • Videotaping the convention (02:19)
    • Australian Science Fiction Foundation (02:05)
  • Interview with Carey Handfield (06:29)
  • Interview with Perry (05:38)
    • Hearing about the convention (00:38)
    • Travelling from Adelaide (00:33)
    • Experience of the convention (01:13)
    • Life-changing event (00:45)
    • Legacy of Aussiecon (01:29)
    • Subsequent Australian Worldcons (00:38)
  • Interview with Leigh Edmonds (10:00)
    • First DUFF winner (01:56)
    • DUFF as promotion for ’75 (00:26)
    • What actually happened at Aussiecon? (00:56)
    • The notorious Wang Girls (00:17)
    • Before and after the con (01:06)
    • Hugo presentation interrupted by cricket scores (00:41)
    • Producing daily newsletter (00:26)
    • Room parties (01:24)
    • Talking to individuals (00:09)
    • An opportunity for fans in Australia (01:16)
    • Audio-visual trend in SF (00:08)
    • Changes nature of SF and fandom (00:19)
    • Aussiecon this little jewel (00:18)
  • Interview with Bruce Gillespie (23:56)
    • Suggestion by Andy Porter (00:34)
    • Foyster forms committee (00:52)
    • Main effort went into fanzines (00:41)
    • First female fans (01:18)
    • Merv Binns and MSFC (01:16)
    • Space Age Books (01:51)
    • Bidding at Torcon (00:29)
    • Travel to the US and UK (02:15)
    • Arrives in US in 1973 (01:06)
    • Arrives in UK (03:39)
    • Meeting Bob Tucker (00:29)
    • Choice of Le Guin (03:22)
    • The Writer’s Workshop (05:13)
    • Impact of Aussiecon (08:17)

Photo of sheep by Michael Pearl on Pexels.com.