David and Perry discuss a wide range of reading and movie watching, ranging from Restoration period historical fiction through a contemporary true story to the fantastic and not-so-fantastic futures of science fiction.
Episode 94: Just a feeling in my water
Perry and David discuss audiobooks, cover a swag of awards and recent news, and then go on to talk about what they’ve read (or listened to) recently. And Perry talks about a great TV series he recommends.
Episode 93: Yesterday’s Tomorrows
David and Perry take the Hugo Time Machine back to 1970, the year that The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin won the Best Novel Hugo. David has a bone to pick, and Perry discusses the latest Indiana Jones movie.
Episode 92: A goldfinch in a graveyard
Perry and David discuss the volunteer work they’ve been doing recently, then go on to talk about their recent reading and watching.